September Events
September is nearly here, and our intent is to hold topical Talks, Walks & Workshops on a regular basis and to kick off we have a couple of dates coming up in September you may want to attend or participate in! Despite nature’s drenching (of much needed rain I hasten to add), cutting off SH1 for a time and causing havoc... we were delighted that so many of you made it to the Waimate Event Centre for the Presentation by Ourselves and Andrew Oliver at the ...
August 29, 2019Pest and Predator Control - Tips from the Department of Conservation
Predator Free NZ 2050.....It's quite a challenge as we all know, but there are more and more volunteer groups getting involved in some form of monitoring and yes...if we all deal with our own "backyard" just might be possible to reach this target of NZ predator free. (Click the link to learn more!) So...Gary and I just attended a Free DOC run Workshop in Geraldine "Introduction to predator trapping ". Apparently this was the 4th Workshop in as many months and was r...
Thanks to the Timaru Herald - Originally Published by LINK TO ARTICLE...
August 8, 2019Inspired By Nature
Once in a while you pick up a book that transports you into another world! I was on my way to visit my sister in California and delved into the airport bookshop for something to read on the flight! I am a “tactile” reader in that the feel of a book in the hand as well as the cover conveys to me whether it’s my “cup of tea”. Some books have hard edged covers and glossy sharp edge pages that become uncomfortable to hold after a while. Then of course the subject matter, title...
August 8, 2019A new environmental adventure
“Natural Heritage Ecological Restoration Waimate”Sunday 11 August; 2 to 4 pmat the Waimate Event CentreTalk & Presentation by Andrew Oliver & Ann and Gary DennisonWe would like to invite interested members of the public to an ecological and environmental presentation where we will be discussing plans for native bush reforestation; an Ecosanctuary project to enhance and enrich our local native bush, flora and native bird species in WaimatePlease RSVP by 1st August (for catering...
July 9, 2019Claremont Garden Party 2019
What a day! Running our wine stall at the Garden Fete held at Claremont House, on a perfect summer’s day was a highlight! Our wine stall luckily was in the shade of the gorgeous gardens and our Methode Traditionelle “Milestone Bubbles” served chilled with local Waimate strawberries proved very popular… perfect for the Garden Fete occasion. We had a great day and were delighted to see many of our long time Point Bush Wine friends stop by to chat and wine taste and t...
February 18, 2019Adventures to Applecross
Hello, and greetings from Oban! We are just back from a wonderful day trip over to the Isle of Mull, Duart Castle and Tobermory on Mull. We had an excellent look around the castle and the beautiful character port with colourful houses surrounding the harbour....
September 1, 2018Highland Hijinks
Hello from the northern Highlands of Scotland! We arrived in Cromarty from Glasgow via Loch Ness and Glen Coe. A lovely scenic trip, if a bit wet and misty through the first part (but what else would you expect from Scotland?!) Cromarty is an amazing historic little town, with the most unique and picturesque cottages. I've taken far too many photos to include them all here, but I have added some! ...
August 28, 2018Scotland ho!
We survived our first day with a few 'tense' moments, but laughed a lot! Mastering a manual car (why don't they have automatics as rentals?) and the thick volume of traffic was a little white knuckle at times with me resisting the need to yell "CLUTCH" at every moment! We had programmed our trusty Sat Nav with GLASGOW as the destination, 10 minutes of 'downloading' later we were off. Two hours later we had been diligently following all her directions to the letter of the law and had an ama...
August 23, 2018Wanderings through Singapore
Before we moved back to New Zealand permanently, we lived in Singapore for 12 years. It is still very much 'home' for us both and we try to plan a visit to see old friends whenever our travels take us in that direction....
August 15, 2018Hops n Hooves 2018
We had the absolute PLEASURE of hitting the road to head to Twizel for the annual Hops N Hooves event held there on Queens Birthday weekend. We have loved supporting this event for the last few years, (plus we are long time stallholders at the summer Salmon and Wine festival each year!) Safe to say we LOVE heading through to Twizel with our Point Bush Wines in tow....
June 7, 2018Introducing Point Bush Wines
Welcome to our Wandering Winos Blog! In case you haven’t met us before at one of our festival events, or a few moons ago at our (now closed) cellar door in Waimate – we are Ann & Gary Dennison. We own and operate Point Bush Wines from our gorgeous little piece of paradise in the Hunters Hills of South Canterbury, New Zealand. For more information on our story – you can read about our journey with Point Bush Wines here We are very new to this ‘blogging’ thing, but want to share more wit...
June 1, 2018Welcome! A little bit about us
Hi friend, In case you haven’t met us before at one of our festival events, or a few moons ago at our (now closed) cellar door in Waimate – we are Ann & Gary Dennison. We own and operate Point Bush Wines from our gorgeous little piece of paradise in the Hunters Hills of South Canterbury, New Zealand. We are both busy “retirees-who-refuse-to-retire”, with lots on our plates – between still running Point Bush Wines, boutique Lodge Accommodation, community groups, charity causes and more....
May 1, 2018 Posts 51-63 of 63 | Page prev